Sunday, March 2, 2008

Challenge of beginning a new network...

Selling the First Telephone

It’s 1878. You hear a knock on your door. Surprise! It’s Alexander Graham Bell trying to sell you the first telephone.

AGB: “With this device you can talk with others on their telephones far away?”

You: “How many of these have you sold?”

AGB: “None. You’ll be my very first customer!”

You: “If no one else has one how can I talk with them?”

AGB: “Uhhh…”

You: “No thanks, Al.”

Mr. Bell overcame the initial challenges to growing his network and built the world’s first telephone exchange right here in Connecticut where he also published the world’s first phone directory.’s business challenge pales in comparison to Bell’s. But our humble user base of local businesses and their customers is already as large as his first exchange in New Haven!

And we’re “Better than free!”™ so we expect to keep on growing.

If you’re in greater Hartford you can join now.